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Re: [LUG] Teaching Linux


On 18/03/2019 08:59, Neil wrote:
> Recently I have met a couple of people who use Linux. I have also been
> approached by some others about getting them started on it. This has got
> me thinking about what would be involved in training someone to use it.
> Without going into unnecessary details, I soon came to realise that it
> would involve quite a lot of time and effort to make a good job of it.
> (And I would want to do it properly.) Or so it seems to me.
> So I am wondering if anyone on the list is involved in teaching Linux.
> And, if so, what kind of experience they have had. I myself am thinking
> of just one or two people at home, (theirs or mine) but perhaps there
> are members out there who do it in a more formal way.
> Anyone?
> Neil

I think for the most part start simple,  I amk guessing people are more
desktop users as opposed to Administrators.

0. Make life easy for yourself

1. Keep to one or two distros so perhaps Debian and or Mint (Mint has a
really good user manual,  Debian has an excellent administrators manual)

2. Perhaps use Debian non-free as that has all the closed drivers built
in and will probably be less work (controversial here, but it is YOU who
are supporting people)

3. Are people already using similar applications,? Firefox, Chrome,
Thunderbird, Libreoffice are the same on both Linux and Windows.

4. Teach how to keep their system updated.  Even though we don't need
anti virus, the risk to systems is still there, so you still need to
take care with e-mail and other links.  So don't build a false sense of

5. After that perhaps look at photo editing (gimp for example) it
depends on what people want to learn.

I think the first thing is to determine what level people are at, and go
from there. Can they already use e-mail ? for example.

Good luck and there probably a few people on here, who can help too.


On a slight tangent to this.

I have tried to contact Digital Unite ( https://www.digitalunite.com/ )
about creating resources Digital Unite <du@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

As you would expect they are mostly focused on Windows.  So not many
digital champions who use Linux and thereofore little demand for
learning resources.  Your e-mail suggests otherwise.

It may be worth getting in touch and also asking others who want to
learn to get in touch simply as this may actually eventually suggest
there is demand.  If that happens there may then be more support for
teaching Linux based systems.

As Andy posted this:

and on a related note:



Paul Sutton
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