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Re: [LUG] Batch Converter


On 11/11/2018 19:02, Richard Brown wrote:
> Hi Matt
> Can of worms - should it be opened?
> Ok, it's not the laptop, it's the desktop. The laptop drive is a spare 
> 1tb drive and I could add several more (laptop drives). I was using 2 x 
> 2tb disks. They are gone now. So I have space/capacity for 4 drives. I 
> can back data up. The desktop is my main computer and I use it daily. I 
> think it is back to the drawing board and maybe leave the can of worms 
> shut for the minute! I'll carry on working as is until I can afford 
> another ssd. That said, when I read the ZFS page, it mapped out my needs 
> exactly:
> "Ari has a single disk workstation. She buys a new disk and plugs it in. 
> ZFS automatically adds the new disk space into the pool. Her home 
> directory is mirrored, while her OS and temp space is striped 
> automatically in the background."

This made me laugh... As much as I like ZFS that scenario is 
preposterously utopian! It certainly wouldn't go down like that on any 
sane Ubuntu + ZFS system, just imagine it. Raw disks being automatically 
merged into running root partitions without any user interaction and 
actually working? I wish!

To be clear, running your actual operating system natively on ZFS is a 
completely different proposition that requires lots of radical and 
fundamental changes and is in no way officially supported on Linux. It's 
difficult to back out of, has savage hardware requirements and I 
categorically do not recommend you do it... on a real system. Spare PC 
or VM, no problem. So for now, or at least until Linux on ZFS is shipped 
in the installer and is as simple to set up and run as Ext4 and LVM are 
now, just stay away,* especially on your main PC.

On the other hand, installing ZFS on your current system and using it to 
manage some additional bulk storage disks is perfectly feasible. What 
disks have you got to go in the PC then apart from this 1Tb one. What 
happened to the 2 x 2Tb disks for that matter, weren't we talking about 
this a while ago?

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