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Re: [LUG] Facebook page


On 06/06/18 21:01, Grant Phillips-Sewell wrote:
Yes, no, maybe.

I kinda figured the discussion would head in this direction.

On the one hand, I totally understand the reasoning behind "let's only use FLOSS-friendly social tools to promote the LUG".

On the other hand, surely doing so is a bit like *ahem* shouting in the wind.

There are *a lot* of people on Facebook. Surely more people will hear about us running events if "we" (those of us who are on, and who use Facebook) post & share about the events publicly, than if we stick to posting about them on social channels that are very thinly used?

I mean, you don't get more people to church by only ever talking to those who already go to church.

Talking of "mixed messages" - what message does an abandoned Facebook page send? Does that sound like an active group to you? To me it sounds more like a group that is no more.

Grant. :)

I agree, it would be like expecting Windows users to adopt Linux without engaging with them. Telling other Linux users how great it is, is preaching to the choir. On that note billions of Facebook users are Windows users and require the engagement.

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