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Re: [LUG] Linux - and security


On 02/11/12 12:48, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> Thanks for all the responses. Not so simple, just as I thought. So
> things are only going to get worse. And the government is always
> thinking of ways to spy on us.
> Education is the way to go, but not just in schools perhaps. I have a
> rather hazy understanding of what I should be doing as a minimum to be
> reasonably secure. So some suggestions from our more knowledgeable list
> members could be useful for many of us I believe.
> Thanks
> Neil

Excellent, computer security - my favourite subject! I'm primarily a
sysadmin, but partly through necessity and partly through personal
interest, I've always been very, very interested and involved in the
security and hacking aspects of IT ever since I was first taught to gain
administrative access to company's PABX switchboard systems using
nothing but a handset, a phonebook and the Siemens telecoms engineer
manual way back at my first proper job. It was amazingly simple - we
scanned the phonebook for an obvious commerical/company phone block, say
0207 299 5000, knowing that the entire block 5000-6000 'belonged' to an
obvious entity like a council department or a large business. We'd never
even need to wardial the entire range, as we knew that probing the
initial 5000-5010 set manually would yield the default master numbers,
typically reserved for virtual trunking, admin dial-in and remote
voicemail retrieval lines. Back then, PABXs were trivial to fingerprint
once you were familiar with them - the pre-recorded messages, default
settings and the command sequences (pressing ##1 or **1) to access
administrative functions would often give the game away within moments
of commencing recon, and then we'd grab the relevant service manual from
our collection and dig out the default passwords and settings to get
full admin - depressingly often the dreaded 1234 or 1111 combination.
Once in you could do almost anything - nuke trunks (DOS), retrieve and
delete voicemails (data theft) and change the CEOs voicemail greeting
(mischief). This was back in the dial-up days: you could also set
yourself up on some systems with private redirect numbers, free
international conference calls and of course modem access. At that
stage, I was still learning phreaking - it would take me a while to
progress to the stage where I realised that the ultimate goal of hacking
telecoms systems was really to get access to the computer systems that
were running on them. And that proved to be surprisingly easy.

Fast forward ~15 years and back on topic: IT security is no better now
than it was then. In fact, it's worse: the increasingly converged
internet is a chaotic mess of technologies, standards and systems that
serves as a vast battleground for cynical corporations, state agents,
professional hackers, loose collections of griefers (anonymous, etc) and
a million and one other hostiles, absolutely *NONE* of whom have your
best interests at heart. I feel a bit sorry for all 'normal' people who
just want to enjoy this great resource in peace and safety because it's
flatly impossible now - the internet is a warzone. Government control
and corporate interests have largely sabotaged the early spirit of
cooperation and freedom that initially existed: you are all being
logged, datamined, censored, fingerprinted. In my opinion, Neil has
exactly hit the nail on the head above even though I think he was
probably being flippant - "the government is always thinking of ways to
spy on us". Take this lesson to heart: the internet is very, very
hostile and we're all targets, 100% of the time.

So, properly back on topic, how does a denizen of this list secure
themselves, presumably being principally a linux user? Well, just for a
start, please disavow yourself of any ideas that you are more secure
because you are using linux or that linux is even a 'safe' (or even
'safer') OS, because it isn't. Linux certainly wasn't initially built
with security in mind, as someone else pointed out, what security it did
or does have came mostly accidentally through it's inheritance of a *nix
style environment, mostly more skilled users and of course, open source
code. The truth is, if you know what you're doing, a properly configured
Windows, Mac, AIX or whatever box can be hardened much more than a
poorly maintained linux system. The reverse is of course true as well.
If one checks the CVE and other historical records you'll see that linux
consistently has *more* critical flaws exposed than windows -
admittedly, they are generally found and fixed much faster though.
Unfortunately, unless you're a security guru or a helpless obsessive
(I'm the latter...) and only build from source (which you can read),
subscribe to every security list, have friends who are professional
hackers/government spooks and happen to be Theo De Raadt's best mate you
aren't going to get perfect security.

What you can do:

1: safe habits - this is the most critical. Things like no re-using
passwords (*EVER*). No dodgy websites. No free porn sites. No gambling
sites. Nuke all browser caches on exit. Etc, etc.
2: stay updated - every single day, first thing, run an update. If any
software becomes unmaintained, secure it in a VM or sandbox. Preferably
get rid of it.
3: don't run unnecessary services. Don't need NFS, telnet, rsh, etc?
Disable them all. Same goes for samba, cups, ssh - all of this listens
on the network.
4: NEVER EVER use an outdated OS that isn't receiving patches. This is
5: don't trust anything upstream, starting with your ISP and ISP
supplied router (they are your greatest enemy in some respects)
6: use a firewall on every system. I can't believe some of you guys
aren't running iptables/ufw on your boxes. Are you insane?
7: logging. use syslogd, nagios, whatever you like. But log everything
for when you need to know what went wrong.
8: secure your root account and all super user privs: never allow
sudoers access to all commands without passwords AND logging.
9: check your permissions - this is usually the number one mistake for
linux users. A bad sudo chmod -R will screw you.
10: mandatory access control - effectively, this means SELinux.

Some words of explanation - firstly, enable your firewall for god's
sake. For Debian flavoured systems, just "sudo apt-get install gufw" and
then "gksudo gufw" will bring you up a nice little GUI. Allow any ports
you must have access to (typically 22 for inbound SSH is all you need on
a home PC, if that), hit the "on" button and you're done. There is no
reason whatsover why you shouldn't have done this already - Fedora, Arch
and all the other systems have similar and typically easy basic firewall
setups that are easily googled.

A related word on your biggest issue - the router your ISP gave you.
People have already been rightly cursing the Virgin SuperHub (although
funnily enough, I'm behind one right now and it hasn't given me any
problems). These routers are routinely re-flashed with firmware by your
ISP that you can't read, evaluate or trust (if you have any sense) and
they are the sole gateway of all your network traffic. See GNUcitizen
and others for a frightening primer and just how trivial it can be to
hack and control these routers remotely with default backdoors included
by your ISP or just straight coding errors. In Brazil currently,
approximately 4.5 million standard issue consumer routers have been
compromised by hacker gangs and DNS modifications used to attack the
owners - this has happened routinely all over the world and is
continuing now. Bear in mind that your ISP is also logging and
datamining you and that either they or a company they sell it to will
inevitably leak that data at some point - they'll also cough it up for
the government at the drop of a hat. Do NOT trust your router: firstly,
turn of UPnP, any remote management functions and WPS (instantly
hackable). Ensure you are using WPA2 if you are using wireless,
preferably Radius server backed but TKIP will do. Most importantly, if
possible, change the provided DNS servers (many routers are locked to
the ISP's these days) - ISP DNS obey government ordered censorship and
typically break the RFC-compliant NXDOMAIN response you should get with
a redirect to a fucking search page (opendns also follow this hateful
practice). As I've advised before, you really should have at least one
machine on your network providing proper DNS - i.e., a caching,
resolving, recursive and *validating* service that gets DNS direct from
the DNS root servers, all secured over DNSSEC. Anything else is failure,
and you're immediately open to all and any abuse unless you're
memorising the IPs for every internet resource you ever use.

Nobody has learnt from the Kaminsky DNS timing attack of a few years
back it seems - DNSSEC is now officially implemented right from the root
servers but hardly anyone is using it (debian.org does!) which makes my
head hurt. Similarly, SSL/TLS is mostly broken because people are idiots
(see the CRIME and BEAST attacks), ignore security bulletins and don't
implement it correctly, leaving the majority of SSL using sites
vulnerable. I have an almost endless list of epic security fails from
recent memory alone, any one of which should put the fear of god into
you: the infamous "telnet running by default and accessible as root
without password" flaw in Solaris (sure, you don't run Solaris at home
but your bank, insurance company and telco do). The idiot who commented
out half of the security checking in debian's source tree resulting in
years of insecure SSH key generation. The h00lyshit local (linux)
exploit. A nasty French security company called Vupen are already
claiming to have a fully working windows 8/IE10 remote exploit bypassing
ASLR, DEP and sandboxing which they are of course selling to anyone with
the cash. OpenVMS, OpenBSD and z/VM have all been exploited and they're
the world's most secure systems. And then you have Stuxnet, Flame...
Java is also totally compromised, again, and thanks to Oracle won't be
receiving any out-of-plan updates either so remember that every single
JBoss and other crappy middleware java layer installation out there on
commercial systems you may use can ruin you.

In short, we're all screwed. It's not so much if you're vulnerable, it's
just how vulnerable you are. Even for security nuts like me, there is
only so much I can do to mitigate the attack surface because off all the
other weak chains in the links above me: a hostile government and legal
environment, a sneaky and snooping ISP, companies that want to monetize
my privacy at any cost, broken DNS/SSL infrastructure, etc. What I have
been saying applies merely to ordinary users - if you are unlucky enough
to be an admin and are running server systems accessible from the
internet, you really have a lot to deal with. Securing Apache is a game
of whack-a-mole. Mail servers are pure torture to keep out of trouble.
Ask any of the server admins on this list about the horrors they see
daily in their logs - it's not uncommon to do things like just block all
of China! And of course, internal users are the biggest problem anyway.

Don't forget linux won't protect you from CSRF/XSRF attacks or a million
forms of website abuse. Use firefox, set it's security options properly
and use at a minimum the ghostery, adblock, noscript, requestpolicy and
firebug addons. Turn your local firewall on, and log everything. Install
SELinux where possible. Disable every unwanted service. Never use
unencrypted versions of services that should be encrypted - I'm sorry,
but if you're using FTP when SFTP exists you are an idiot. Same for
http/https, DNS/DNSSEC and insecure SSL/TLS versions. The weaknesses are
known and documented, secure fixed versions exist so why the hell aren't
people using them? Use strong encryption for *everything*. Subscribe to
at least one security mailing list and read it every day (full
disclosure is chaotic and unmoderated, but still a good start). Use
throwaway accounts for anything trivial. Protect your real identity at
all costs. Use SSH tunnels and/or VPNs for remote access. Maintain your
own self-signed certs religiously - the repeated state level molestation
of certificate authorities (DigiNotar anyone? Iranian government issuing
their own google certs? etc) means you have to be wary. Make sure you
have a couple of secure, deniable backup plans - you do have Tor
installed and configured right? And access to at least one other
internet connection from a different ISP in case your primary goes down?
It would be bad if you get hacked and badly need to revoke a cert,
shutdown a host or change a root password and all you've got is the
crappy, flaky 3G connection on your phone...

Well, this turned out to be an even more rambling, paranoid post than I
usually manage so my apologies, and congratulations if you made it this
far. Most of you are probably thinking I'm either a paranoid
schizophrenic or living in a delusional and dystopian cyberpunk fantasy
but I'd like to gently point out that not only is everything I said
correct, but I can happily dig out references for everything you can't
be bothered looking up yourself. If it's any help, I'd be happy to put
my money where my mouth is and give specific, detailed security advice
to anyone who asks for it otherwise I'm just another internet blowhard :]


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