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[LUG] meeting November


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Just confirmed with the shoreline regarding the meeting on the 7th.
They have fireworks in the diary but that does not start till 7 so
should not affect the meeting.

Car parking should be as per normal on the seafront but this does get
closed off, for events,  don't know what times if this is happening,
you could try and find out on http://www.torbay.gov.uk - but good luck

best thing to do is keep an eye out,  I won't be there so those of you
in torbay please keep an eye out for info, and relay to the list.

As for December meeting,  I have been asked check nearer the time if its
ok to meet on that date. Can someone do on the 7th November,  and
perhaps try and book a time / date for the December meeting takes place
but also doesn't clash with any booked events at the venue,  again I
won't be there so can't on the day, Ideally can you make it either 28th
November or 12 th December as again I am away on the 5th (OU tutorial).
 Those two dates also don't clash with paignton first team home games.

If sunday is better then that is do-able by me as I have rugby in the
morning and usually end up just hanging around the rugby club,  so a lug
meet would be more constructive.



- --
Paul Sutton

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