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[LUG] Slightly OT: New Enta packages announced


Hi folks,

It looks like the new details of packages have been released by Enta. 
  The details can be found here [1] (from the UKFSN) web site but I 
presume it will be pretty much the same for all Enta resellers...

[1] http://www.ukfsn.org/newadslproducts.html

Doesn't look as bad as originally thought.  I'm on the Office 45 
connection at the moment which gives me 45GB peak allowance and 300GB 
off peak so if anything it means I'll just get unlimited bandwidth 
(albeit possibly throttled if I download too much or slower if there's 
high usage on the node).

If anything I'd rather be on this than something like Talktalk with 
their 40GB a month limits (I use well over 40GB a month although most of 
it tends to be off-peak usage although now with the new packages on Enta 
I might try and change my browsing/downloading habits to spread out over 
the month).


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