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Re: [LUG] mod_age and academic list hit by virus in race period

Theo Zourzouvillys wrote:


your typing gets more amusing all the time

I'm a hardcore exim fan, it does waht I need it too perfectly

ditto - isn't that what they said about sendmail.

any comments on any of them?

Haven't braved Courier, I've mostly seen it referred to as an
IMAP component to use with Postfix/Qmail etc.

it may be time for me to write a nice simple sexy MTA, designed for an ISP's
needs (not one designed to try to cater for ewveryones needs), threaded,
taking advantange of libc6, etc...

I have the same feeling about most of these protcols, except I
want to rewrite them in Java. My Java needs more practice
first..... Much as Dan's coding style is quite tight, C is C, by
the time you link it with sensibly secured libraries underneath
you might as well have used Java in the first place ;)

 Simon, whose been playing with dnscache

woo woo! he's seen the light! amen! :p


Do I have to rebuild it to handle more than 200 outstanding
recursive clients, I would read the web page, but Dan's DNS
appears to be down ;)

Theo Zourzouvillys

You will be audited by the Internal Revenue Service.

Does that mean I'm emmigrating soon ;)

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