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[LUG]Re: intro 1st message - my programming and computing interests


Hello again.
I wanted to do a test-send to find out if configured the email client
correctly to get the messages accepted by the mailman server and out
onto the mailing list

I've "sweetened" it (?) was a list of places with coordinates

Rich S

# for each place / location, final line is "human-readable" but can be
# pasted back into "Google Maps" and will take you back to the place
# from which the degrees-decimal

;;; Berry Head lighthouse 50.39954886056384, -3.483553379652956
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms 50.39954886056384 -3.483553379652956)
;; "050d 23' 58.4'' N   003d 29' 00.8'' W"
050 23' 58.4" N   003 29' 00.8" W

;; Cape Cornwall chimney 50.127233, -5.708794 
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms 50.127233 -5.708794)
;; "050d 07' 38.0'' N   005d 42' 31.7'' W"
050 07' 38.0" N   005 42' 31.7" W

;;; Towanroath engine house 50.305071211684954, -5.233053296845487
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms 50.305071211684954 -5.233053296845487)
;; "050d 18' 18.3'' N   005d 13' 59.0'' W"
050 18' 18.3" N   005 13' 59.0" W

;;; Lizard lighthouse 49.960201393209225, -5.202149785205921
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms 49.960201393209225 -5.202149785205921)
;; "049d 57' 36.7'' N   005d 12' 07.7'' W"
049 57' 36.7" N   005 12' 07.7" W

;;; Land's End - the sign  50.066310, -5.714791
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms 50.066310 -5.714791)
;; "050d 03' 58.7'' N   005d 42' 53.2'' W"
050 03' 58.7" N   005 42' 53.2" W

;;; Clovelly harbour light 50.998692, -4.396671
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms 50.998692 -4.396671)
;; "050d 59' 55.3'' N   004d 23' 48.0'' W"
050 59' 55.3" N   004 23' 48.0" W

;;; Sydney harbour bridge -33.85209267729446, 151.21082583826686
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms -33.85209267729446 151.21082583826686)
;; "033d 51' 07.5'' S   151d 12' 39.0'' E"
033 51' 07.5" S   151 12' 39.0" E

;; Rio de Janeiro Christ monument -22.952419527785423, -43.21046976961246
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms -22.952419527785423 -43.21046976961246)
;; "022d 57' 08.7'' S   043d 12' 37.7'' W"
022 57' 08.7" S   043 12' 37.7" W

;;; Yosemite Glacier Point 37.73048860656887, -119.57375861559764
(lat-long-degdeci-to-dms 37.73048860656887 -119.57375861559764)
;; "037d 43' 49.8'' N   119d 34' 25.5'' W"
037 43' 49.8" N   119 34' 25.5" W

> On 7 Mar 2023, at 09:43, rich_met <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there
> I should be showing up as "rich_met" and I'm down West Cornwall.
> I realised I've been "ploughing a lone furrow" for far too long so
> reaching out to the group.
> 20 years ago was in Cambridge and member of Linux User Group there.
> In meantime, not been member of any club or group association with any
> computing.
> Where am I at now...
> I code mostly in emacs-lisp so it's right there in the emacs
> text-processor.
> eg. "topmost" "user-level" program for doing (Euler-Bernoulli) beam
> looks like this
> (defun beam-fmax-rhs-simple-cload
>  (shs-width
>   shs-depth
>   shs-thk
>   shs-length
>   shs-stl-sigmamax ;; typically yield stress
>   )
>  "for an RHS - max.force it will bear in central load simple beam
> best if all dimensions & values in SI / metres, etc
> Order of args matches order going into ma2nd calc / fn"
>  (simple-support-dblbeam-loadcap
>   (beam-moment-capacity
>    shs-stl-sigmamax
>    (beam-sect-mod-z-d
>     (ma2nd-rhs-b-h-t shs-width shs-depth shs-thk)
>     shs-depth))
>   shs-length))
> so you can see at a glance I go
> 2nd moment of area (purely geometric property)
> v
> section modulus (purely geometric property)
> v
> beam moment capacity (combine geometry and material property)
> v
> "simple" centrally loaded beam capacity (given length, force it will bear)
> which is the normal progression of a beam calculation.
> An example of "real world" design I made and got used is here
> http://www.weldsmith.co.uk/tech/struct/210314_ebbeam_drillplat/19_drillplat_calcs.html
> "Cantilever drilling platform - analysis using beam calculations"
> I also do Finite Element Analysis modelling for stresses and strains -
> simply use an integrated software package for doing that.
> eg.
> http://www.weldsmith.co.uk/tech/struct/210216_bcfwtt_fea3d/210216_bcfwtt_fea3d.html
> "FEA3D : BCFWTT RHS beam top surface around test weld"
> "BCFWTT" is this physical "real world" test
> http://www.weldsmith.co.uk/tech/struct/210122_fwtest_rig/210122_fwtest_testrig.html
> Recently I did this which converts decimal GPS coordinates -
> eg. Google Maps
> to "human-usable" / "nautical chart" Degrees Minutes and Seconds
> entire code:
> (defun lat-long-degdeci-to-dms (latdeci longdeci)
>  (format "%s %s %s"
>   (abs-degdeci-to-abs-deg-min-sec (abs latdeci) (if (minusp latdeci) 'S 'N))
>   " " ;; easy jdi customisable way to separate lat. and long. output
>   (abs-degdeci-to-abs-deg-min-sec (abs longdeci) (if (minusp longdeci) 'W 'E))))
> (defun abs-degdeci-to-abs-deg-min-sec (absdegdeci dirncardinal)
>  "Deg-decimal to DMS format output"
>  (if (minusp absdegdeci)
>      "error - cannot handle negative arguments"
>    (let ((decix60 (* (mod absdegdeci 1) 60)))
>      (format "%03dd %02d' %04.1f'' %s" (truncate absdegdeci) (truncate decix60) (* 
> (mod decix60 1) 60) dirncardinal))))
> For example - Berry Head lighthouse is at (North, East)
> 50.39954886056384, -3.483553379652956
> (lat-long-degdeci-to-dms 50.39954886056384 -3.483553379652956)
> "050d 23' 58.4'' N   003d 29' 00.8'' W"
> which is correct - that is the position of Berry Head lighthouse on a
> nautical chart which uses the "WGS84" datum.
> If you paste
> 050 23' 58.4" N   003 29' 00.8" W
> into Google Maps it will show a pin on the lighthouse...
> But all of this done in total isolation
> (learned Lisp-style programming from a book 20 years ago with Paul
> Graham's "On Lisp"
> http://www.paulgraham.com/onlisp.html)
> So have no idea whether there might be much better ways of achieving
> the goal.
> Computers and Computing - 10 year old "mac-air" still going and couple
> of years ago managed to get it to upload lots more software from
> "fink" site, so all happiness there.
> Which has left the "Raspberry Pi" computer, which works wonderfully,
> neglected.
> By the way I learned Linux when needed a supercomputer in the 1990's.
> Had doing 10's of hours runs when then "Windows95" would "fall-over"
> about every 4 hours and couldn't really be used at all for ad-hoc
> programming (no segmentation -> allocated space, and only that space,
> in which a program is permitted to run).
> I'd have some use of an embedded device - eying the Raspberry Pi card
> which came with the computer.
> Measure something like hydraulic pressure from a sensor, log it and
> maybe control something to do with that hydraulic pressure.
> Anyone interested in any of these things?
> --
> The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
> FAQ: https://www.dcglug.org.uk/faq/

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: https://www.dcglug.org.uk/faq/