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Re: [LUG] Perl development and systems engineer role


On Wed, 16 Mar 2022 at 21:56, Mark Thurston <mark@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Does it carry a 'Perl-programmer premium' ...
> If it does, there are no details of it on the job advert. Salary details
> unspecified... presumably you need perl and negotiation skills for any
> premium ;)
> Perl seems to be designed to make it really easy to write hard to maintain
> code, in the interests of "linguistic style". I prefer Python but the
> libraries available on CPAN are impressive and sometimes seem to be the
> best way to get things done.

Some of us have used Perl on big and successful projects long since
the Matt's script archive and cgi or mod_perl era passed - those would
be the people I'd be looking for for a perl project - familiarity with
modern perl practices and frameworks like Catalyst, Mojolicious,
Dancer, Moose, etc.

Object oriented perl with Moo and Moose has been pretty good, but when
https://github.com/Ovid/Cor/wiki is moved into Cor perl 5 we'll have a
leading object model built in.

I should add here, I also have Python and PHP teams, and one of the
things I really appreciate in candidates when hiring is being open
minded and up to date on other languages we use and also respecting
those on the other teams using those languages. That's enabled us to
cross-train developers and enable them to move into new teams and
roles, or step in and help when we have big projects.



Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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