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Re: [LUG] systemd and NFS shares


On 29/08/2021 10:16, Julian Hall wrote:

Getting there slowly :)
You and NFS shares between that NAS and your Mint PC have a loooooong history don't they? We seem to have done this several times before at this point...
You could say that.. and you'd be right. What I don't understand is why I always seem to end up with a different solution to the same problem.

Delete ALL of the old crap - get rid of the weird .mount and .automount files, clean fstab and check through your systemd units to find and remove any old references.
I think I did that and used 'grep -r' to look for file mentions. In seems init.d still lists autofs as a service despite purging autos off the system? Is that harmless?

First thing to do is make sure you've cleaned up all the old stuff first: what happens if you do:

/etc/init.d/autofs status

On your modern-ish Mint box old init isn't really there, it's all systemd now mercifully. So your traditional /etc/init.d/blah stuff is actually redirected to and handled by systemd. It's the same as just running:

systemctl status autofs

Either way you want to find out if it - or any of your other old mount stuff - is still lurking around and messing things up. You can disable it but if you've apt purged the package anyway it should be a non functional systemd unit anyway. To be sure:

systemctl disable autofs

Look for other mount service stuff you may have forgotten about:

systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled | sort

Disable the stuff you want to get rid of:

systemctl disable blah

Check fstab for old redundant entries as well. Reboot.

Once you're 100% sure that the mounting itself is working fine (it's *on access* remember) then move on to step 2: permissions.

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