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Re: [LUG] Chromebooks


On Sun, 27 Sep 2020 13:56:00 +0100
Ciarán Ainsworth <cda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Ciarán,

>The biggest problem was actually that they stopped providing updates at

I've never had an interest in the machines;  As soon as I see the word 
'chromebook', I usually stop reading - because it's google - so have no
idea about their hardware philosophy.

>The web itself gettingi heavier is generally what causes these devices

Chicken and egg;  hardware gets better,  more and more shit is loaded
into web pages, requiring better hardware to render/run all the
java(script) and christ knows what else, hence faster machines,so web
designers get paid to put in even more spyware, tracking crap and god
knows what else.

>Yeah, from my (admittedly limited) experience of both Google and Apple
>I have found the best solution to be to ditch them entirely make use of

I still can't understand ppl that are totally euphoric about Apple
hardware.  It's expensive and, especially when it comes to their phones,
seems to hit the news in a bad way all too often:

Looses signal;  you're holding it wrong.
It bends;  don't put it in your pocket.

Come on, FFS.

>such a device is very limited. The fact of the matter is we do not live
>in an always-online world yet (and hopefully never will).

Indeed.  It's simply arrogant to assume that just because I can afford
to be online 24/7, buy the latest £400(1) 'phone, etc. that everyone can.
Even in this country.  Although (if I recall the facts correctly), in
India, where over 60% of ppl don't have access to a flush toilet, approx
80% of the population owns a mobile 'phone.

(1) I haven't a phone that pricey.  I only got a smart 'phone recently
(cheaper that 400 quid by far).  That was so I could get access to car
and car charger features that are fiddly to do from car and charger (too
many sub menus), but relatively easy on a 'phone (log in, and they're
right in front of me).

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I can't relax 'cause I haven't done a thing
Independence Day - Comsat Angels

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