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Re: [LUG] Virtual meeting Saturday


> If anyone is up for a virtual meeting on Saturday I will be on from
> midday 12:00

Saturday the 5th... Looks good for me; I hope to be able to join the

Some interesting news to discuss perhaps: Unity (the video game IDE
company) has become a benefactor of Blender, the open source 3D graphics
suite. This means that Blender now has an extra €120,000 [1] in the pot
to go to development, and will get the same every year that Unity
sponsors Blender.

Blender is indeed very mature and powerful; I've linked some interesting
resources [2] in case you want to have a go and discuss it on Saturday.

Best wishes, Sebastian
Freenode: 'seabass'

[1]: Euros for those without Unicode support!

[2]: The links I mentioned

- https://www.blender.org/support/tutorials/ the official Blender
  'get-started' tutorials

- https://www.3dassets.one/ a search engine for free models and textures
  for use in your Blender scenes

- https://youtu.be/lY8Ol2n4o4A a video explaining the process of
  superimposing 3D objects onto video footage

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