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Re: [LUG] Wifi nto working


On 25/01/2016 19:04, Henry Bremridge wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 06:36:14PM +0000, Neil Winchurst wrote:
>> My daughter rang me to say that her wifi was not working. Since she
>> lives some miles away I tried to sort it over the phone, but to no
>> avail.
>> I, my wife and my daughter each have a laptop running Xubuntu 14.04
>> (LTS) which I look after. My computer is linked directly to the router
>> by cable so I am not so knowledgeable about wifi. If there is a problem
>> with the wife's computer I just have to go into the room where it is
>> setup. Not so easy with daughter's machine.
>> I have asked her  to bring the laptop over in a day or two so that I
>> can try to sort it out. Meanwhile I am wondering what to look for. I
>> will check first if the machine will connect to the wifi here. If so I
>> will know that it is a problem with her wifi at home. If not it will be
>> something with the laptop itself. 
>> So I am wondering where to look next. Can the wifi system in the
>> laptop just fail for some reason? I have never had any problems before,
>> it has always 'just worked'. Is it easy to restart the wifi program?
>> Would that be the way to go?
>> Any help or suggestions gratefully received,
> From bitter experience: make sure she has not turned wifi off

Ensure she has not turned wifi off IN either software  OR by hardware
switch on computer.
Check both!
I understand the pain of the remark "From bitter experience: make sure
she has not turned wifi off" as usually I turn off wifi by hardware in
house, but  forgot when at a conference  so was frustrated in not not
being able to enable wifi.
Note you may need her router MAC  key as well as her  WiFI broadcast
name (or yours at your place) and security type and password
Eion MacDonald

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