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Re: [LUG] 14-year-old can save the government millions by changing font style [feedly]


Thanks for posting.

Saw this elsewhere, and I'd suggest if any school is spending $21,000
p/a on printer ink they are doing something else wrong.

Sounds like someone extrapolated from the worst case, premium HP Inkjet,
and assumed all the US government's documents are printed at the same
insane rate.

Pick your fonts for readability, if you want to save printer ink, don't
print it, as Tom suggests.

Work has a try not to print policy, occasionally we have to print out QR
codes for boarding cards and train tickets, and the odd document that
still legally requires printing, but otherwise it works fine. We have a
printer in one office, and once every couple of months or so someone
will post asking how to switch it on and connect to it, we usually talk
them out of it.

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