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[LUG] Arch Linux Installation for Fun and Profit


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Let me present my hacked together guide on how to get Arch Linux running
with relative quickness, ease and most importantly, laziness. Extra
typing is stupid when we can just copy/paste stuff instead, directly
into our SSH terminals. God knows this isn't an official guide, and
you'd be insane to treat it as such: however, for those who are
relatively inexperienced, find Arch daunting and it's many wikis
somewhat... labyrinthine, I do promise that this will be far more to the
point. If you can follow instructions properly, and are planning a test
install to specifically a VirtualBox VM, you *will* have a functional
Arch install complete with VBox integration, a graphical logon, GUI and
Desktop Environment ready to explore and configure properly at your
leisure in short order.

However, there is no proper substitute for actually RTFM: all that
follows is described far more comprehensively, accurately and with much
better formatting at these (official) links: they have been my sole
source for this howto.


You are *highly* encouraged to make use of them if you run into
problems, want to modify the instructions here slightly and need
parameters or for further reading of any kind. Arch's documentation is
absolutely first class, luckily, and a great resource for Linux
generally, let alone Arch-specific stuff. You can also ask on the list
generally or ask me directly of course.

For this operation we will be using the Arch 2013.12.01 iso for
installation - get the full 522Mb version from here before you do
anything: https://www.archlinux.org/download/

Or run:

Firstly, a word about my setup: this isn't as important as the
configuration (below) of the VM you'll be practising on but probably has
some bearing, so for completeness: Intel i5 2500k CPU w/16Gb RAM, Ubuntu
13.04 64bit, kernel 3.12.1-pf-meowski (custom). I use the 'proper'
VirtualBox package direct from Oracle complete with the Extensions
package, and so should you.

My target for this install is a fresh instance, which I have called
"archivist", of a VirtualBox 4.3.4 VM with the following configuration:
2 CPU cores, 2048Mb RAM, 25Gb dynamically allocated VHD hard drive (VHD
because it's compatible with VMWare, Hyper-V, etc in case I want to move
it later) and 64Mb video memory with 3D acceleration enabled. All other
options I have left at the defaults with the following important
exceptions: I have configured my VM as a 64bit Arch Linux system (32bit
would be fine though), disabled the floppy (useless) and have set it's
single network interface to *bridged*, not NAT - I want my VM to get
assigned a DHCP address on the same subnet as my workstation without
fiddling with virtual network devices. Change any of these settings only
if you know what you are doing, or obviously if you're installing on to
real hardware you'll have to use whatever you've physically got.

Just to make things more interesting, I have made one other critical
change: in VirtualBox's settings tabs for this VM I have enabled EFI.
That's right, I have purposefully made things more difficult for myself
but we're here to learn right? You might want to change this individual
setting, but be warned that it will effect things like the partitioning
layout and boot loader, so you will by necessity have to deviate from my
instructions as I can't cover every possible alternative. I'd recommend
enabling EFI - before long, it's going to be ubiquitous and for most of
you this will be the first time you've ever installed Linux to an
EFI/secureboot system without first disabling it and falling back to
BIOS mode anyway, which is silly. The multiboot Arch installer we'll be
using supports 32/64bit and EFI loading so either way we're good.

So, let's get on with this!


0: HAVE BACKUPS. Not really relevant here, but make sure you're not
about to scribble over real data, overwrite a VM or something else
stupid. As we're going straight onto a blank VM or perhaps a spare blank
PC, this step for once should be fine, but double check.

1: Get your target booted, VM or otherwise, from the Arch iso, which I'm
going to assume goes ahead without any problems. Don't change the
default options and let it boot even if the screen stays black for a
while. If it really doesn't work, check the official instructions for
disabling modesetting, ACPI and so on (this won't happen in a VM). In a
short time you should be looking at the booted Arch system, logged in
automatically as root in a zsh session. You'll see this:

Arch Linux 3.12.1-3-ARCH (tty1)

archiso login: root (automatic login)
root@archiso ~ #

Now the fun starts. Arch doesn't have an installer per se, it's more
like using a Linux boot disk to chroot into a system and modify it. We
are immediately going to start ignoring the official guide and won't
bother setting locales or fonts - we want to spend as little time as
possible actually interacting with this clumsy root console, using it
only to get SSHD running so we can connect from our main machine and
start copy/pasting commands with ease. Here are the very few steps we
actually do at the VM console:

2: loadkeys uk
#just to avoid messing up step 3 by accident
3: passwd
#set the installer root password, otherwise SSH login will fail
4: ping -c 3 www.linux.org
#check and see if Arch has picked up a valid DHCP and is networked
5: ip link show
#no ifconfig on Arch: this lists available network interfaces
#ignore the "lo" interface, and look for the one starting "enp..."
6: ip addr show enp0s3
#gets actual IP address details for your network card
#mine is called "enp0s3", yours probably will be too: get this from 5.
#in my case, DHCP has given my enp0s3 device
7: systemctl start sshd
8: systemctl status sshd
#enable SSHD server and check its status

Ok, a lot of the work has already been done now, and we can now stop all
interaction with the actual installer console at this point: from your
host PC or wherever else you like, connect via SSH to the Arch VM.

In my case, Arch VM has the address assigned via DHCP so on
my host PC, I start a new terminal and issue:

ghost@failbot:~$ ssh -l root

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is d5:c4:4b:28:f8:c7:a8:44:30:eb:34:c3:b6:5b:30:2b.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@xxxxxxxxxxx's password:
Last login: Thu Dec 12 21:05:42 2013
root@archiso ~ #

Excellent: I can continue all of the installation comfortably from my
terminal now, with all the advantages of copy/paste, etc. This saves a
lot of typing, and potentially very frustrating typos. This is also the

Now the serious installation begins.

The very first issue is to partition the disk: if you want to create a
custom disk layout, *not* use EFI or vary in any way from my
instructions, you'll have to adapt what follows. Arch themselves
recommend that for absolute beginners, you'd be best off using something
like a Gparted live CD to boot the VM with and arrange your disks there:
if this sounds good to you, then reboot the VM, sort out your partitions
and then repeat the above, to get back to this step. Otherwise, read on.

A "normal" Linux single disk layout would typically be something like:

25Gb virtual disk - MBR disklabel - /dev/sda
sda1 500Mb ext2 (/boot)
sda2 10Gb ext4 (/ - the root filesystem)
sda3 12Gb ext4 (/home)
sda4 2.5Gb swap

That's fussy and annoying, so we're not going to do anything like that:

25Gb virtual disk - GPT disklabel - /dev/sda
sda1 1Gb FAT32 (EFI and /boot)
sda2 24Gb BTRFS (/ root and everything else)

Much better. Now it's time to start copy/pasting into your SSH session.

9: cgdisk /dev/sda
#this starts the partitioner: don't do this in the wrong terminal!

cgdisk will warn about your empty disk (if it isn't empty, nuke
everything so it is and create a new GPT disk label) and present you
with a simple interface.

10: Hit "New", accept 2048 as first sector, type "+1G" for last sector
11: Change default hex code from "8300" to "ef00" and finish
#you've now created a 1Gb EFI system partition
12: Hit "New" again, accept defaults for first and last sectors
13: Accept "8300" as code, accept blank name, finish.
#you've filled the rest of the disk with a standard linux partition
14: Select "Write", type "yes" to confirm and then "q" to quit.
15: fdisk -l /dev/sda

The fdisk command spits out your new disk structure in friendly format:
mine now looks like this (note the disklabel=GPT and the correctly
aligned offset of 2048 for the start of sda1):

root@archiso ~ # fdisk -l /dev/sda

Disk /dev/sda: 25 GiB, 26843545600 bytes, 52428800 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 86CC77AC-8834-45FA-9CAB-AA91AE03BE77

Device           Start          End Size Type
/dev/sda1         2048      2099199   1G EFI System
/dev/sda2      2099200     52428766  24G Linux filesystem

We have now partitioned the raw disk, so it's time to make filesystems
and mount them - again, if you have deviated from my setup you're going
to have to use common sense and the official guide to extrapolate from
the following instructions.

16: mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
17: mkfs.btrfs /dev/sda2
18: mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
19: mkdir -p /mnt/boot
20: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
#the order of mounting is important, always mount / first

21: date
#check and correct the date+time if necessary
22: pacstrap /mnt base
23: genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
24: cat /mnt/etc/fstab
#check the generated fstab is correct
25: arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

This is a major milestone: we have now chrooted into the actual base
system we have just created, and can start configuration properly. From
now on, everything you do is carried over into your finished system -
we're not going to do very much here, just get some basics organised and
then reboot natively without having to bother with the live CD installer
any more. If you doing this in a VM, you could do worse than snapshot
your progress at this point. I will be using vi as my editor for the
following steps, but feel free to substitute it for nano if you prefer
(and you probably should).

26: vi /etc/locale.gen
#uncomment the "en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8" line and save the file
27: locale-gen
28: echo LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf
29: export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8
30: echo KEYMAP=uk /etc/vconsole.conf
31: ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/GB /etc/localtime
32: hwclock --systohc --utc
33: echo myhostname > /etc/hostname
#change myhostname to whatever you want to call your new VM
34: systemctl enable dhcpcd.service
35: passwd
#set the root password for the current root, inside our chroot

We have done quite a lot of basic but essential stuff here, all of which
applies to our finished system. If you want to edit or change stuff feel
free, but if you're happy editing locales, want a static IP address or
to enable wifi you should be reading the official guide and using that,
not following this hackjob! Now we are nearly done with the major
installation stage, we just setup the bootloader properly and take care
of a couple of last things:

36: pacman -S gptfdisk
37: mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
#this should throw an error about already being mounted, which is fine
38: pacman -S gummiboot
39: gummiboot install
40: vi /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf

Whether you are using vi or nano, copy all of the following into the
file and save it:

title          Arch Linux
linux          /vmlinuz-linux
initrd         /initramfs-linux.img
options        root=/dev/sda2 rw

Note that in the last line, I have set "root=/dev/sda2 rw" because sda2
is where my root partition lives: if you're not following along exactly,
you'll have to edit this line (and a whole lot of other stuff as well).

41: cat /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf
#check the file you've just created looks correct, as above

Now we do some final bits of setup, to make our life easier for when we
reboot in a moment into our new Arch system:

42: pacman -S openssh
43: systemctl enable sshd.service
44: useradd -D
#check defaults, they can and do differ on various *nix systems
45: useradd -m ghost
#change your username from "ghost" to your preferred login name
46: passwd ghost
#set the password for your new user, who probably isn't called ghost
47: pacman -S sudo
48: visudo
#in visudo, uncomment the line "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" and save
49: usermod -a -G wheel ghost
#obviously change "ghost" to your chosen username instead
50: id ghost
#inspect your new users permissions: should now have "wheel" for sudo

We could do more at this point, but have the basics of a functional
system now so we're going to reboot straight away to check our progress.
We should have our new Arch system boot itself, start the DHCP service
and get an address, enable SSHD and let us login as a user this time,
but one with sudo access immediately. Let's do it:

51: exit
52: umount -R /mnt
53: shutdown -hP now

Once the VM/test PC is down, you can remove the Arch boot iso to prevent
it immediately restarting straight into the installer again. Now for the
true test: if you've been following exactly, and doing this in
VirtualBox it will definitely work. I make no promises if you've been
customising or otherwise tampering with things. Restart your VM, and the
first thing you will notice is the ridiculous, crazy speed at which Arch
boots in this state - that's EFI and systemd doing their work. My modest
test VM, archivist, boots from cold to the login screen in 4 seconds.

Congratulations, you've installed Arch! Now you could login at the
console and start playing around, but I promised you a more usable
system so we're going to do some more work, mostly installing things
we're going to need - we don't even have Xorg yet. Reconnect from your
terminal on the host machine over SSH, so we can get back to
copy/pasting instructions but be prepared for the following warning:

ssh -l ghost

This is completely expected: remember, we connected to the SSHD instance
in the Arch installer system last time, and now we're connecting to the
same IP (I'm going to presume your VM comes back up on the same
DHCP-assigned address as before) but this time it's not the installer,
it's our new Arch system and it has regenerated it's SSHD keys on
startup. Hence the large scary warning.

Follow the instructions your system just gave you about removing the
offending key, I did this:

ssh-keygen -f "/home/ghost/.ssh/known_hosts" -R

But you can just manually edit the file and remove the line yourself if
you prefer. As soon as you're done, reconnect again but remember you're
not connecting as root anymore, but the user you created during the
setup process.

Running "ssh -l ghost" again drops me happily here:

Last login: Thu Dec 12 23:41:34 2013
[ghost@archivist ~]$ uname -a
Linux archivist 3.12.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Dec 8 21:18:00 CET 2013
x86_64 GNU/Linux
[ghost@archivist ~]$

Excellent. From now on in we are just finishing things up. Because we're
now running as a normal, albeit priviledged, user, we now start
prefixing commands with "sudo".

54: sudo pacman -S pacman -S xorg-server xorg-server-utils xorg-xinit
55: sudo pacman -S xterm mesa virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms
56: sudo pacman -S fakeroot linux-headers
57: sudo vi /etc/modules-load.d/virtualbox.conf
#copy in the following, one per line like so:
#save the file and exit
58: sudo vi /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
#edit the HOOKS line near the end and add "vboxguest", so it looks like:
HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck
#save the file and exit
59: sudo systemctl enable dkms.service
60: sudo systemctl enable vboxservice

We have now pretty much done all the VBox integration stuff to make the
new VM behave properly, but first we need a couple of extra tools, from
the dreaded AUR repository: this means building stuff from source. Arch
do *NOT* handle this particularly elegantly, so we're going to do the
usual hacky job of getting around it, because life is too short.

61: sudo vi /etc/pacman.conf
#add the following lines at the very bottom of the file:
SigLevel = Never
Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/$arch
#save the file and exit
62: sudo pacman -Sy yaourt
63: yaourt -Sy yaourt-gui
#respond to the questions: you don't want to edit the PKGBUILD, do want
to proceed with the build, and do want to install it
#also, this is not a typo: do NOT run yaourt with sudo or as root
64: yaourt -Sy vboxguest-hook
#again, respond to the prompts and let it do it's thing

Now, we don't have to use horrid pacman anymore, can automate
downloading, compiling and installing from AUR source archives and can
crack on with the final steps. Our system is nearly done, now we're just
going to install a LOT of stuff, intentionally dragging in
dependencies left right and centre.

65: yaourt -Sy gdm firefox thunderbird
#choose the default of 1 when it asks about providers
66: yaourt -Sy cinnamon
#this finally installs an actual DE - feel free to change this, or to
add more DEs as you like... Mate, KDE, Gnome and just about all others
are available

And that's it :]

It may not seem like it, but if you reboot at this point, *and you
should*, you now have a basic, incredibly un-optimised but fully
functional current Arch Linux VM running in VirtualBox, complete with
VBox extensions and a GUI to explore. Don't blindly login at the login
screen though: input your name first, and then choose whichever DE you
like best from the little settings gear icon, otherwise it will by
default log you into a barely functional gnome-shell session. If you've
been following along, chose "Cinnamon" (you can have the full-on 3D
accelerated version as well, not just the fallback mode) and then login:
as soon as you have logged in, the VBox extensions will kick in and you
can then manually resize the VBox window, etc. Success.

At this point a wise person would snapshot their VM, and begin to play:
you'll have a lot of missing packages and an unfamiliar Linux distro to
explore so have fun, and at this point as you've been cheating so far,
should actually start reading the excellent documentation.

Last tips and tricks: ignore "pacman", the apt-get/yum equivalent on
Arch, it sucks. Do package management via yaourt instead, which can also
handle your installed AUR source packages as well.

yaourt -Syua

Is sufficient to synchronise, download and update all of your stuff in
one go. For an even better experience, especially for potential newbies
who feel out of their depth, try the truly excellent yaourt-gui which we
installed earlier as a one-stop package management, search, updating and
organisation tool. It's an excellent bash script, do:


And just follow the menus. Do *NOT* run yaourt or yaourt-gui as root or
under sudo: they are smart enough to escalate as required and will ask
for your password when they need it.

Also, I chose GDM for a reason over other greeters: GDM is "smarter"
than other greeters on Arch, and automatically picks up nearly all DEs
for inclusion in it's "log into..." section. If you chose to install
MDM, KDM, SLiM or are running startx out of a custom .xconfig and it
doesn't work, that is your problem and you'll have to fix it yourself.

Due to installing and configuring virtualbox-* properly, you DO NOT want
to and indeed should NOT install the virtualbox guest additions manually
through the VirtualBox interface: it's unnecessary. The modified
/etc/mkinitcpio hooks and packages we've installed will call dkms
properly on kernel upgrades and additions upgrades automatically. This
is cleaner and easier than manually doing it.

That pretty much covers it: this guide has been tested, and if you
follow the instructions properly, particularly by doing the install in
VBox, you pretty much can't go wrong. I tested it during writing this
"guide", and earlier today it went to two reluctant testers (thanks
guys!) for idiot proofing: whilst both are experienced IT pros, both are
utter Linux n00bs, and one is actually a die-hard Linux hater. Tester1
used VirtualBox hosted on Windows 7 with putty for a SSH client, and
completed the entire operation perfectly in ~40 mins. Tester2 is a pain
in the ass and a senior programmer/engineer, and only agreed to do it
because he owes me a favour and I'm a bully. I had to modify some bits
and manually intervene once, but only because he wanted to do it on his
existing Server 2012r2 Hyper-V infrastructure, which required different
virtio drivers and some other mods. It still only took him about an
hour, even with some hiccups. Both were still unimpressed, except by the
boot speed, which is insane to be fair.

Any comments, corrections, questions or suggestions gratefully received,
and I hope somebody may find this useful - I certainly hope so, because
it took a lot bloody longer than expected to type this up and do the
testing... no more tutorials for me for a while.

Regards, and good luck.

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