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Re: [LUG] Bootable USB device created with dd not recognized by other systems


On 03/07/13 17:25, Martijn Grooten wrote:
> I have an ISO image that I want to mount onto a USB stick.
> So I plug the stick into a Opensuse box, make sure it's unmounted and I run
>   dd if=filename.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=1M
> and when it's done and I mount the device again, the device is
> recognized and has the right files on it.
> However, if I then boot a machine from that USB, booting fails as the
> device is not recognized. (The ISO is bootable.) Moreover, when I plug
> the device into a Windows box, it says the device needs to be mounted.
> I've got the very same issue with two different USB sticks, at least
> one of which I've used in the past to boot machines from. Both sticks
> are a few years old, so it could be a hardware issue, though in that
> case I'd have expected for dd to fail.
> Any thoughts?
> Martijn.
> PS the ISO contains VMware ESXi 5.something, in case that matters.

Also, there is this:


Count yourself lucky, getting the OpenBSD installer transferred to a USB
drive is a *real* pain in the butt.

According to http://software.opensuse.org/package/unetbootin you're in
luck for unetbootin on OpenSUSE, although obviously I don't know which
version you're running. I maintain Tumbleweed and Factory versions and
they both break a lot.


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