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[LUG] paignton venue



I dropped in to centre peace in Paignton this morning
http://www.centrepeace.org.uk/ to see how they were getting on, and
asked about having meetings there.

1.  They will ahve meeting spaces and a cafe area open soon
2.  there may be a room + access to projector too
3. As we are an open group if we were to do workshops  or just demos but
include the community in these they are happy toi waiver the fee,  i
said we will be buying drinks anyway at the cafe.
4. No need for insurance ( I know Tom Brough raises concerns about this)
as they suggested that they can sort their own insurance out so it
covers people using the facilities.

5.  Meeting room is upstairs, but if we meet downstairs then there is
wheelchair access

Sounds to me like a good opportunity,  drinks etc will be cheaper than
the shoreline, it ticks other boxes too, Main issue  is parking which I
can't do anything about,  but crossways car park is currently £3 all day
on a Saturday.

It isn't quite ready yet,  the shop bit is open by the weekend,  the
cafe soon after that, 

I am going to try and push for kids ruby and scratch to be installed on
any computers,  terry who is in charge of the place said she knows
people who use Linux,  so she has heard of it (big plus) so as the area
is classed as deprived area (see website),  then any activities should
help the community in some way,

I will keep in touch and maybe we can meet there July,  and take it from
there, it would be nice to get some basic talks going on what ever
people want to learn about (see exeter lug website page on this as there
are loads of topics listed)   

Will keep people updated.






I am committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable groups and 
expect any school or establishment I am involved with to share this commitment. 

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