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[LUG] email tag


I been lurking her for a bit on this list, i am from reddith westmids
and my sister lives in paignton,devon.

first thing i can my comment that the tag on the subject line maybe
change to [DCLUG] i am get a lot of emails from other LUGS in west
midlands area and trying to work out where specific ones come from is
getting harder  , i just use gmail from the web so i have no filter
and organisation into folders that i know about in gmail. Would be
nice if some made a website that behaves a bit more like an email
client ?? something like thunderbird when i could collect all my
emails accounts into one place.

hope to make it too a meeting sometime when i down at my sisters and
convert her over to linux and away from horrible windows vista or 7 i
can't remember which now.


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