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Re: [LUG] disclaimer text


On 08/01/13 15:36, Roland Tarver wrote:
On 04/01/13 04:54, bad apple wrote:
On 03/01/13 22:28, paul sutton wrote:
Simons Article got me thinking we should have some sort of disclaimer on
the site (front page) that says the info on the site is provided by
members and neither the lug or members will be liable for loss, or
injury or damage as  result of the articles presented within the site.

Kai and I seem to disagree on a lot of stuff, but in this case I'm
totally with him.

I Am Not A Lawyer (IANAL), but what do you think throwing up a
copy/paste boilerplate disclaimer will do in the modern legal warground
of rounded corners? When packets of peanuts come with the label
"warning: may contain traces of nuts" do you really think a non-legally
advised bog-standard disclaimer slapped on a site frontpage means anything?

Please don't do this. It just looks lame, and smacks of "we're pathetic
and do not have courage of our own convictions: please sue us if your IQ
is equal or less than your age in years."

Don't even hide it away in a footer somewhere. It's so ridiculously,
trivially and insanely obvious that we're a bunch of well meaning but
legally defenceless nerds it's not even worth pretending to cover our
arses. I personally don't want to live in a world where I have to
prepend any honest advice I give with the warning: IANAL, do not give to
children under the age of 5; no animals were hurt during the making of
this blog; any similarities with people living or dead is a coincidence.

F**k that.

Whilst I'm at it: Kai's also right about Drupal sucking - it does. So
does Wordpress, as I've said before. In fact, every single CMS sucks
totally and is a worthless, buggy piece of crap. I'm sorry, but don't
shoot the messenger: I support all these piles of junk and I don't have
any solutions whatsoever. Between crap coding, XSS/CSRF, SQL injection
and general stupidity if you can find me any one solution that isn't a
completely useless, resource-sucking bug-ridden shit-pile I'll give you
<finger to mouth>  one BEEEEEELION dollars</finger to mouth>. Hint:
don't bother looking, such a thing doesn't exist. Well, it does: static
pages. There, I said it.

Whilst I'm still at it: Kai seems to love everything version controlled.
Well, I kind of hate to admit it, but he's right again. I'm not the
biggest fan of git, but please, version control is not that complicated.
If you DO think it's complicated, you probably shouldn't be working in
IT. Or even remotely interested in IT. Or allowed near a computer even*.
For the love of god, my mum is a 64 year old librarian and she can
effortlessly handle the versioning of files inherent within DropBox, OS
X, Windows VSS and Linux (to be fair, I did set some of these up for
her, but she still intuitively understands "versioning").


* unless you're George, who's valve computer pedigree means you get to
ignore everything us young punks say

hahahah chuckle chuckle - excellent entertainment value lol
roly :-)

doesn't having a disclaimer mean that every piece of advice on the net should also have one? Of course with an org so suable as the LUG I should probably post bad advice and then litigate against it myself. Samsung v Apple -peanuts!


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