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Re: [LUG] Samba - not the dance


On Sun, 2012-09-16 at 08:42 +0100, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> We had a good meeting yesterday in the White Hart at Holsworthy. One
> subject that came up was Samba file sharing. I had heard of it but I had
> completely dismissed it as of no interest due to my misunderstanding of
> what it was all about.
> At home I have a desktop computer and wife and daughter each have their
> own laptops. These are all set up with Linux. I can see that file
> sharing could be useful at times. So back home I started researching. I
> have installed samba on my desktop so now I need to start finding out
> about it all.
> So on to Google to see what I could find. I have discovered quite a lot
> but there is one problem area. All the tutorials assume that you want to
> link a Linux computer with one running Windows, or vice versa. In fact
> some of them clearly stated that the tutorial was all about linking
> Linux to Windows and that the case of Linux to Linux was not covered as
> it was 'different' and needed a separate tutorial.
> So, if anyone can point me towards any tutorials or help files which
> specifically cover Linux to Linux file sharing using Samba I will be
> very grateful. And yes I do have friends who use Windows but I have
> neither the need nor the wish to share files with them.
> Thanks
> Neil

Yes Samba is for Windows.

You can use on Linux, the standard file share "out the box" with most
desktop flavors, in Preferences ( Fedora) Personal File Sharing, and
share files between machines, it should just work!

If not you can do the /etc/hosts  thing,
 put all the hosts in you need,  copy to all the sharing hosts
 and do 
/etc/hosts.allow as well 

then set up ssh 

I use fixed ip's for this as it's easier not DHCP.

you need to look at shared keys but once that's done it's very easy to
use "mounted folders" across the network.

if ssh is running on both machines try 

ssh-keyscan machine
ssh-keygen machine
ssh -l user machine

obviously you will need the users password.

if you can do this on the command-line then use a Gui to put it on
Places using connect to server in you file manager bookmarks.




Kevin Lucas
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