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Re: [LUG] Raspberry Pi Hackspace tour


On 14/09/12 08:32, Gordon Henderson wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Sep 2012, Rob Beard wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I noticed on the Raspberry Pi web site that they're planning on doing
>> a tour of the US, but they also mention a tour of UK hackspaces too.
>> I've left a comment suggesting the Exeter LUG meetings, I figured
>> that it's probably the best location around for folks to get to
>> (fairly close to the railway station, pretty good rail links from
>> Torbay/Plymouth/North Devon and beyond).
> I'm pretty sure the Exeter hackspace (did you know there was one?) is
> pretty much as dead as a dead thing now... Looks like they have even
> lost their domain name too...
> Penzance is not hard to get to by train from Devon either - and it's
> pretty affordable. (eg. £16 return from Totnes when I last looked)
> Gordon

Hmm,  So are they ONLY going to hack spaces,   ?   It would be pretty
cool if they could visit places where children / young people go on a
regular basis such as Parkfield,  acorn centre,  windmill centre etc, 
and where ever the equivalent is in Brixham.

Failing that it really DOES show we need more hack space,    in fact
given the lack of them they may not want to go all the way down to
Penzance, (despite the train links) but if there are places to stop
along the way if may give more incentive to come beyond Bristol,  which
for the south west would make a real change. 

Of course if they agree,  i would expect the lug to pull out all the
stops and help promote the fact they are coming, contact schools,  put
up posters and really PUSH it,  and get people along,   Also we would
hope to get the local TV channel to cover the events as well as local

is it worth me e-mailing the raspberry Pi people organising it all and
asking ?



skype : psutton111


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