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Re: [LUG] More possibility of games developers taking an interest in Linux


On 15/06/12 22:33, Rob Beard wrote:
> Hi folks,
> A brief but interesting article about EA starting to take a bit more
> interest in Linux.  It seems they have released some HTML games on the
> Ubuntu 'Software Center'.  With that and Steam coming to Linux it
> could mean that games developers are starting to sit up and take
> notice of Linux, especially when the Humble Bundle purchasers on Linux
> have spent more than Windows and Mac users :-)
> Anyway, the article is here:
> http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2012/06/linux-gaming-on-the-rise-ea-arrives-on-ubuntu-and-valve-plans-steam-port/
> Rob
As long as they remember this spending more is voluntary and users may
not like it too much if they are then charged more for a Linux version
of a game than say windows or mac version.   Thinking they can rip us
off by charging more may backfire and end up putting all of us in a
worse situation.

Oilrush which is a full mac, windows and Linux game costs $19.99 the
same for each platform.




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