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Re: [LUG] Ubuntu 12.04


On 01/05/12 12:59, tom wrote:
Just upgraded to that on another machine and wondering why anyone would want to use the standard interface? It has slowed my machine to the point of unresponsiveness and hides menus on applications making them unusable too.
I'm back to LXDE on it.
Tom te tom te tom

I am messing about with it on a high end machine at the moment (with that said it seems a lot more responsive than the 11.* releases).

I still hate the global menus and the 'dashboard' dock thing. I quite like the new HUD as an addition (not replacement) to menus though. Being able to search for media is pretty nifty too. The software centre and upgrade system is much better, concurrent installs get queued and added to the 'dock thing'.

I don't think I could ever use it as a primary desktop but the direction its heading in does interest me for some peculiar reason.


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