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Re: [LUG] New toy...


On Sat, 21 Apr 2012, paul sutton wrote:

Needs to be something like 5v @ 1000mA (I am sure however 1000mA = 1
Amp)  but anyway.

They suggest a 5V, 700ma power supply.

However if you want to power peripherals then you'll need a bit more, but the recommended way is to use a powered USB hub as they don't really want much more than that flowing into the board.

Which is what I'm using, and I've found that I can connect a USB lead from the hub to the power USB socket on the Pi and it works OK.

The PSU for my hub is rated 2A. (It's a 4-port LOGIK hub)

So one port from the hub to the power in on the Pi. The input lead to the hub connected to one of the Pis USB ports, the hub connected to mouse and keyboard, leaving one port on the Pi and one on the hub spare.

I connected the one left on the Pi to my Arduino board and it seemed fine.

People have reported Ethernet dropping and random reboots when the power supply is marginal.


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