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Re: [LUG] Penzance School spends £300,000 on an iPad for every pupil


On 5 Nov, 2011, at 8:54 am, tom wrote:

A wikipedia but more atomic and layered and structured.
1)The lowest level is simple facts - self contained stuff - a physical law, a declination of a verb in a language: small paragraphs. These are pretty much static and unique 2)The next level is nearer, if you like, a lesson which collects these paragraphs with some further explanation. These doclets ( (page sized) hyperlink to the lower facts. These can be created by individual teachers from other lessons as part of their... 3)The next level is the 'course' level - collections of the above lessons with further info to create a course again hyperlinking to lessons (sort of head of department/school level) 4) curriculum level - linking to points required from 1) but naturally creating subsets/templates of 2 and 3 - government level
5) search engines/management tools and wikis for sharing

Does this fit the bill?


Phil Hudson                  http://hudson-it.no-ip.biz
@UWascalWabbit                 PGP/GnuPG ID: 0x887DCA63

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