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[LUG] Sending docs in MS format


Looking for some help please.

My daughter sometimes sends out job applications, including CV's etc. If she sends them as an attachment to an email the recipients complain that they can't read them, (the attached files, not the email).

I have told her to save them, using OO Writer, in Word format. She claims that she does, but I am wanting to check this out.

So I am looking for some help please. I know that some members have Windows as well as Linux. Would anyone be willing to receive a test email with attachment from me and to let me know if they can read the attachment in Word please?

I can't help her, I have not used Windows since Windows 98 first came out. My brother has Windows on his laptop but he does not have Word installed, he uses OO Writer and Firefox. Yay, he has learnt some good ways from me then.

Any help gratefully received



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