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Re: [LUG] Bored rant


On Sun, May 01, 2011 at 07:45:49AM +0100, Joe wrote:

> In my opinion, it also renders some rather big issues within society in
> that people are actually becoming more arrogant and lazy - and are not
> prepared to learn anything new, even if its a better long term solution.

I do not disagree, but how do you force people to chose a better long term
solution. The best description I heard is that that "freedom to choose"
means having to make a choice. And that choice by definition could be bad


A similar analogy could be pension planning or long term care (yes I am an
IFA): if people do not take care of their pensions, should the state
support them when they need help? (Similarly in health: should people
smoke? should people take exercise? should people eat less meat?)

    (I note that in the US, while the best health care is very good, my
    understanding is that on average costs are higher and results poorer.)

> That's because things are getting easier to acquire at a price. This may
> be down to social conditioning by things like the press and TV etc...
> which does the economy the world of good, because most people will pay
> someone else to sort their problems out. Here is a prime example, some
> businesses we deal with say 'refer to your accountant'. When I say 'What
> accountant?' they are totally bewildered. I do my own taxes and accounts
> because I've learnt how to - why should I pay someone else to do it?
> Just because I cant be bothered or something?
> > 
Have a look at Adam Smith and the invisible hand, and Comparative Advantage
in Economics.

I can build my house. I could take an allotment and become more self
sufficient. Yes it would save money but the time I spent doing it could be
more productively spent elsewhere.

And yes: I think accounting for simple areas is very straightforward. But
when matters are not so straightforward I will see an accountant, or a
lawyer or a doctor. I do not have to take their advice, but I will know all
my options: and sometimes they are counter-intuitive.


I believe the current Government is keen on the nudge effect to "force"
people to take the right decisions, and yet allow freedom of choice.


I think the Government should insist on Linux by default: if schools,
Councils etc want to go proprietary that they should be forced to cost
justify it; and publish those results.

Can I see it happening: no.

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