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Re: [LUG] Linux Mint -- and Debian


On 23/03/11 08:11, Neil Winchurst wrote:
I have used Kubuntu for some years now. When I acquired a laptop last year I installed Mint v 9 Xfce on it. I have been very pleased with it.

For those who don't know Mint is based on Ubuntu. As each new version of Ubuntu comes out it is soon followed by a new version of Mint which is based on it. This also has Gnome as the desktop and is soon followed by the KDE version. Mint also has several other desktop managers available including Xfce, LXDE, fluxbox and Evolution.

Since I am interested in the Xfce version I have been waiting for it to appear. Finally an announcement has come out but there is a change. The latest version of Mint Xfce is based on Debian. Also it is a 'rolling release' version.

I have never used Debian so I am wondering if any list members have any thoughts, comments about this. Incidentally it is the testing version of Debian that is being used.

AS I understand it the future versions of the smaller desktop managers in Mint will also be based on Debian. Possibly eventually the Gnome and KDE versions will follow.

Any Debian experts out there? Does anyone else on the list use Mint? I would be interested to hear what other list members think about all this.


Neil Winchurst

Kubuntu and Ubuntu are Debian derived distros ie. virtually 95% Debian.

Look at



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