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Re: [LUG] Royalty free standards for UK procurement


On 26/02/11 10:21, Eion MacDonald wrote:

On 26/02/2011 09:53, James Kilty wrote:

I just came across this. I find it a bit too opaque - could someone
explain it in simple language - will this lead to greater use of FLOSS?
Is the EU now less open?


- EU abandoned its rigid definition of 'royalty free' so EU is less FOSS

- UK restates a rigid definition unless the Government Department has a
">  “clear business reasons why this is inappropriate.”

That bit I thought I understood until I kept on reading.
Unfortunately many a good departmental secretary can drive many coaches
and teams of horses through this exemption, if they draft a "department
is inoperable under current legislation unless we use XXX software as
this is only software our staff have been trained to use" memo.

Particularly if is what they use now via the supplier of Gov Depts and there is no requirement for open document standard.
Best solution I have seen implemented* is if department wants to use
proprietary software total initial and recurring licence costs must come
from salary pot of top ten executives in department. i.e a negative
bonus! It sorts out the real costs and why!

*non UK state where budget constraints were enforced.
What a good idea!

James Kilty

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