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Re: [LUG] Exeter Meeting - topics


On 29/10/10 09:17, Simon Waters wrote:
Neil Winchurst wrote:

Agreed. I have been using Linux for over 12 years now. Do I consider myself to be an expert. No way. LOL.

I think revealing was some comments on LKML, which showed a rather prominent kernel maintainer didn't understand some of the basics of disk I/O semantics that the database users are interested in. Computing is a big topic, you can't know it all.

If anyone wants to be a low-level anorak I would thoroughly recommend
Tanenbaum& Woodhull's book on Operating System Design and Implementation: http://minix1.woodhull.com/osdi2/

Its not quite linux but I've not found a better book on how it all works..

And always remember two things
1) Expert: Ex =has been +spirt  a drip under pressure
2) An expert is someone who hasn't been exposed as a fraud yet.
Tom te tom te tom

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