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Re: [LUG] Kepler


On 17/10/10 20:08, Peter Walker wrote:
tom wrote:
I'm just wondering what you could do with software this way -
especially with reflection...
Tom te tom te tom

Not quite with you there. Do you have an example?


Reflection is a way of objects/classes/functions telling you what you need to feed them to make them work. So you could 'drag' a library into the program and utilise it 'safely'. So you could write code without writing a line of code - just (say) drag an internet connection onto the page, set the port, send it a URL via its input port, connect the output to a web service handler etc etc take the output from the web service handler and sort it and get a nice disply of them rugby results to find out what Launceston RFC did at the weekend without having to download 2meg of flash cos some nut has hacked their website and got payed for it!
All with a mouse!
Tom te tom te tom

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