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[LUG] New Computers


Any opinions on which is cheaper for a non cutting edge desktop running
Windows 7 and MS Office (mainly for office work but with some old games). I
would like to dual boot but doubt I will be allowed to:

- Buying a complete PC: if so any stores that people recommend? 

- Buying parts and making it yourself. If so any recommended parts /

  My only feeling is that 4Gb of Ram and 500 Gb harddrive , but no idea on
  what processor / graphics card to go for.

  Looking at AMD I came across

  http://products.amd.com/en-us/comparison/DesktopCPU.aspx which leads me
  to a AMD Athlon X2 or the Intel equivalent

Finally: I am having trouble getting an Nvidia graphics card to work under
Debian. Ubuntu works with restricted drivers. Any recommendations for a
debian friendly graphics card? The only list I have seen is:


Many thanks

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