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Re: [LUG] Tools to map a network


On 16/05/10 13:08, Simon Waters wrote:
Rob Beard wrote:
On 16/05/10 08:54, Simon Waters wrote:

I managed to swap that out
with a Gigabit switch and it seems much faster although not the full
1GBit (250MBit, so it's still a lot better than the couple of Megabits
it was running at).

How do you measure 250Mbps?

It's a guestimate, using the Windows XP task manager you can check network utilisation. Working on the assumption that 100% is 1GBit/sec, I was getting about 25% when copying 16GB of data (various graphics files of varying sizes) from a desktop to a server (the server, desktop and switches were running at 1GBit/sec).

Few things can use Gbps Ethernet to the full without tweaking. If you
are getting more than 100Mbps than the gigabit Ethernet is probably
working as designed.

Yep, I dare say one or two other machines on the network were also using the Gigabit link (it's also possible that some of the machines were talking to other servers on the network).

I did some benchmarking using some new kits at work a while back, and I
could get good speeds over a single FTP connection but no where near
1Gbps. Using SMB protocol connections with lots of small files (i.e.
what we actually use the boxes for), the numbers were depressingly low
but they just reflects a chatty protocol with lots of round trips and
other overhead.

Yep, I've found that, for instance copying a Windows XP CD over to the network (lots of little files) it takes a while where as if I copy the disk as an ISO image it isn't as slow.

The main thing is, it's a lot quicker than what it was :-)


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