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Re: [LUG] web admin vacancy - torbay council


On Thu, 6 May 2010, tom wrote:

Does no-one do proper jobs anymore? So much for getting a career...

They'd probably be better off simply asking a local (to devon) company to manage their website for them. It'd probably be cheaper too...

Cheaper? From my experience getting a contractor in to do council work is several times more expensive than inhouse.

I didn't mean giving it to a contractor, I meant giving it to a web design company - well, maybe their externally facing one anyway. In exactly the same way an online shop, etc. uses web design companies, then so might local councils.

However I bet there's a lot of wrangling involved internally, so it'll never happen.

It just seems to me that no-one has a "proper" job now - it's all fixed-term contracts - giving the employees no real incentive to do a good job IMO - if I were to take that "job" and I knew it really was fixed-term, do you think I'd care about what happens to it after I'd left? I'd probably also be spending the last 3 months looking for a new job too.

I really don't think it's a good way to encourage someone to do a good job.

Hope you've all done (or are going to do) your civic duty today too! If you don't vote, you can't complain.


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