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Re: [LUG] Disk replacement


On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 08:49:30 -0000, tom <tompotts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The UUIDs on the new disk will be different and will need to be changed.
I just thought that this might be a common maintenance problem and someone might have just made a script for it or something....
Tom te tom te tom

I disagree. The UUID identifies the partition and it is stored with the partition it identifies. dding the disk across will not cause problems in that regard.

yatt@lapeee:~$ blkid /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: LABEL="SYSTEM" UUID="15fb1bc0-1a9d-448f-8f49-e01dcc163a24" TYPE="ext2"
yatt@lapeee:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sda1.img bs=1M
^C251+0 records in
250+0 records out
262144000 bytes (262 MB) copied, 17.4163 s, 15.1 MB/s

yatt@lapeee:~$ blkid sda1.img
sda1.img: LABEL="SYSTEM" UUID="15fb1bc0-1a9d-448f-8f49-e01dcc163a24" TYPE="ext2"

Also see this link where someone had the opposite problem (UUID was preserved when they didn't want it). http://nixcraft.com/shell-scripting/948-change-uuid-ext3-partition.html

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