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Re: [LUG] Using joystick/pad as mouse?


On 25/02/10 00:32, Grant Sewell wrote:
Hi all,

I'm sure I've managed this previously under Linux but I can't for the
life of me remember what I did or needed to do to get it working.

I have a USB joypad that I'd like to use to control the cursor in
Xorg/Gnome.  It is detected cleanly and nice /dev/input/js0 and
event14 devices are created.  It responds to all the joystick tools I
have found, but I can't find anything (that works) to all me to 'plug
and play' this joypad mouse-fashion... ie you plug in a USB mouse and
it starts working like a mouse... I appreciate that when I plug in this
USB joypad it works like a joypad, but I'd like to plug it in and it
work like a mouse!

Xorg does have a joystick driver, but it doesn't seem to do very much
when I add it to my xorg.conf and restart X.

Have you seen this?


What's it for? It can be rather tricky to control a mouse with a joystick.

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