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Re: [LUG] Thunderbird and False-Positive Scam emails


Julian Hall wrote:
Hi All,

For a while now I've been using Thunderbird (since v0.somethingorother) and it has one foible that irritates me. I get mails sometimes that are *not* scams, from companies, and T'bird marks them as a scam. I unmark them to show they are not. However T'bird doesn't remember this and *always* marks them when the next mail comes in. In fact in one case I have two separate lists I subscribe to from the same company, one which T'bird stubbornly insists is a scam, the other it doesn't.

Any ideas, apart from it being a bug?

Kind regards,


NB I would post examples, but they're HTML mails which I know is frowned on.

I've noticed something similar in that the same messages (from a MPF-fail) can be marked junk again and again and yet it doesn't seem to learn either.
Any clues anyone?
Tom te tom te tom

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