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[LUG] Kernel boot times - again...


Just re-compiled a kernel for my little boxes and enabled printk timings 
to see just where it was spending time...


So - power on until extlinux is loaded: about 5 seconds. It does a memory 
check, printing over a serial port, then waits a few seconds for the hard 
drive to become ready - not strictly needed, but essential to allow the 
Ethernet link to come up if PXE booting...

extlinux loads bzImage, then initrd.gz - time for that is about 15 

Then the kernel starts.

It takes 1.08 seconds to get to this point:

[    1.081358] rtc_cmos rtc_cmos: setting system clock to 2000-01-01 00:24:23 UTC 

there's no battery - and this is almost ready to jump into userland, but 
to get userland it has to uncompress the loaded initrd.gz image and mount 

[    1.081358] RAMDISK: gzip image found at block 0
[   13.844280] VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly on device 1:0.
[   13.844481] Freeing unused kernel memory: 156k freed

So 12.8 seconds to do the uncompression. Gzip is the fastest uncompression 
mechanism too.

The next (and last) thing logged by the kernel is the Ethernet port coming 

[   17.513944] eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45E1

It takes a few more seconds until a login prompt appears, but by then it's 
mounted/checked filesystems, set the date/time via ntp, loaded the modules 
I can't compile into the kernel (asterisk telephony crud), started 
dns, http, sendmail and astersk services...

So with custom hardware - a way to get the kernel image into RAM quickly, 
and a kernel optimised exactly for the hardware concerend with the kernel 
launching a custom app rather than a general purpose /sbin/init, root 
filesystem on disk/flash then I can see how it's possible to get a boot 
from cold in 1.5 seconds to something usable. Well done them, I guess!

Wondering also if it's possible to build a system with (say) the bottom 
2MB of memory being Flash RAM directly memory mapped and set to read-only 
with the kernel image sitting inside it, using the rest of RAM for it's 
data structures. Almost a kernel on ROM then with no bootloader required. 
It would execute slower from Flash than RAM, but maybe some clever caching 
could make that faster, who knows!


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