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Re: [LUG] Books on databases


Martijn Grooten wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Simon Waters wrote:
>> What's the reason for your interest?
> Mostly curiosity, combined with the fact that I use databases
> regularly for work and I know enough I need to know to do my job, but
> not much more. And I quite like to know why certain things work (well)
> and others don't work (as well), rather than having read a book that
> just told me to believe it. But having read a few things here and
> there, I am a bit worried that after reading about how relational
> databases really work, I'll end up thinking they're a daft idea in the
> first place. :-)

I think your more likely to come away thinking that SQL, and relational
databases never really (or only lately) implemented a load of things
they should have done early on.

The particular bug bear I use as an example is hierarchical
relationships (think database of human relationships - find all
descendants of Joe Smith, where each record is a name, ID, and a table
mapping ID to parent IDs, which you'd think something called a
"relational" database would be especially good for. But you find that
implementations are incomplete and inconsistent, and recursive queries
are few and far between.

More generally SQL never really lived up to being a standard, I suspect
if it had, then it would have been more aggressively developed. But I
guess it saps the motivation of a standards committee if hardly anyone
implements what you recommend.

I spent ages the other day trying to debug a SQL statement giving me a
silly error, and even a fresh pair of eyes didn't spot it immediately,
then we realised that this particular SQL variant uses a different
string concatenation operator to what I'd typed (argh).

> Perhaps I should just dig into TAOCP

TAOCP is largely an algorithm reference. So very useful when you want to
know how to efficiently sort a list that is already partially sorted.

On the other hand for a dry reference work it has more wry humorous
comments than most.

When I got the bug about databases, it was because I knew the ones I was
working with weren't done well. So I stumbled into reading about
database normalization (lack of which was the obvious problem), which
was interesting, as there is a load of common-sense ideas which maps to
some interesting theoretical underpinnings. But where the stuff dove off
into relational algebra and such my undergraduate maths wasn't much help
(I should have done pure maths clearly) and quickly lost me.

That said I never got into doing complex data queries, sometimes I've
had to optimize databases for complex queries, or optimise complex
queries for a database, but I've nearly always had my system
administration hat on, not a database developer hat on.

I wrote my own implementation of cursors inside an application once for
a database that didn't have it, I think that qualifies me only for the
first step to being a database developer. Step two is probably to refuse
to work on any more projects using that database backend ;) If so I
qualify on step 2 as well. But there are others here who know far more
about this stuff.

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