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Re: [LUG] Help controlling network


On Thu, 16 Apr 2009, trewornan wrote:

> The other day I noticed some heavy usage on the router and discovered 
> that someone was connected and using a considerable bandwidth - some 
> nmapping, arpspoofing and wiresharking revealed three "unknown" MACs 
> connected to the AP one of which I believe was downloading a bittorrent.

Switch on encryption NOW, or disable wireless entirely.

While, like you, I think it's nice to share, the down-side is that if 
someone decides to download some kiddie porn, or other extreme material, 
then the IP address is going to be traced to you and your address and 
you're not going to be able to prove that it wasn't you - at best you'll 
lose your computers while plod does a search, at worst it'll be jail time.

There's always the possibility of a "drive by spammer", but I've never 
heard of this actually happening.

Unfortunately, that's the sad reality of the world we live in now.


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