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[LUG] C++ Questions?


I have started reading a 600 page book on C++ , but i haven't found answers to the following:
In C++ how should you use and include resource file (.rc) for multi lang support for a GUI support?
In the books i have been reading the examples show all classes and functions all on one .cpp file.
In VB you would use lots of .bas files for all your extra common code and recycle the code in other projects.
How should you structure code for easier coding? would you use another . cpp file and prototye the functions in the main.cpp file.
How would you create GUI user controls like grids that get reused again and again (ocx ?) .
When would you create a .h file?
are the compiled object files the same as dll's?
and can you ref them into you compiled exe, In Lunix or windows?
Any tips ,pointers or URL would be great.
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