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Re: [LUG] Writing data to a disconnected laptop hard drive


On Sun, 23 Mar 2008 18:23:24 +0000
Rob Beard <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It's good that Robin will be able to help.  It's so frustrating when 
> these things go wrong.  I wonder if HP will require you to reinstall 
> Windows for them to repair it.  Hopefully not!

They can ask but the laptop came with no Windows CD/DVD - I was
expected to want Windows so much that I would be prepared to not only
buy my own DVD-R media but also to spend time with my new machine
waiting for Windows to burn itself to a DVD. (I gained this knowledge
from reading the manual two weeks *after* I had wiped the entire hard
drive by installing Mepis, then Debian.)

If this laptop ever gets back to HP, it will have an entirely blank
ext2 filesystem across the entire 250Gb drive.


Neil Williams

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