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Re: [LUG] Repository contents.


On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:42:59 +0000, wrote:
> Grant Sewell writes:
>> On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:13:27 +0000
>>> Hi,<snip>I have over a thousand programs installed on my system. Where
> is all of this software?, how can I find it? and how can I add icons to
> the main menu if I so desire ? Cheers for any replies!, Jon DAvey
>> Hi John,
>> Synaptic will tell you all the packages that are installed, and you may
>> find that a rather large proportion of them are "libraries" and as such
>> have no need for menu entries.
> ...yeah I thought so but this was a P2P program that I installed and I
> fully
> expected there to ne an entry in the menu....
>> I personally install "aptsh" pretty soon after a fresh install - it's a
>> commandline tool that allows you quick access to some pretty nice
>> functions of apt/dpkg... such as "aptsh listfiles xxxx" (xxxx being the
>> name of an installed package) will give you a complete list of all the
>> files said package has installed - if you grep that with bin then it'll
>> give you a list of all files installed by that package that are in some
>> "bin" directory:
>> $ aptsh listfiles xxxx | grep -i "bin"
>> (you may have to sudo it)
> ...OK....
>> How you add entries to "the menu" depends on what you're running.  Both
>> KDE and Gnome have their own respective menu editors - usually
>> right-clicking on the menu should give you an option to do so.  If
>> you're running something else, then that's a different matter.
> ....whatever comes as default with ubuntu 7.10(gutsy gibon), it's gnome
> I'm
> pretty sure.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Grant.
> OK, so I install the packedge with dkpg and find it using 'aptsh' in the
> command line ? Does this only apply to packedges installed using thesde
> two
> programs; 'apt' and 'dpkg' then? or will it locate all software ?.....

Ubuntu uses apt/dpkg to install applications anyway, it just provides you
with a nice GUI interface to it.


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