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[LUG] Have I been GPL'd


I have just read this bit of SPAM and am alarmed, or saddened at the use of the sentence at the end of the mail
Mail begins.....
    Hello, My name is Victoria Pavlova. I’m a manager of a company ExchangePl.
We are looking for partners all over the world for a co-operation in online exchange currency.
bla bla bla

    and Ends........
If you are interested in our offer, please send email with subject "I AM INTERESTED" only to this manager email: victoria.pavlova@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and we will send information that describes principles of working with us
Thank you!
Your e-mail is taken from open source.

    A new meaning for  open Source I belive! 
Is my Email GPL'd or what!
Regards: Kevin Lucas Post Master (Sub) Minions Shop & Tea Rooms Minions Liskeard Cornwall PL14 5LE www.minionsbandb.co.uk
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