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Re: [LUG] Advertising (or lack of)


On Saturday 19 January 2008 22:03, Neil Williams wrote:

> 1. Money - who do you think pays for the wages of all those
> footballers and Hollywood-has-beens? Ads are incredibly expensive,
> especially for a prime-time blitz on lots of channels / media. M$ have
> plenty, let them spend it.

I don't see the relevance of footballers and hollywood-has-beens. I'm sure 
that costs could be kept down by avoiding advertising agencies.  Why use 
television and subsidise all the hangers-on connected with it? There are ways 
of advertising on the web and printed matter which wouldn't cost an arm and a 
leg. Canonical must spend a small fortune distributing disks world wide, why 
not advertise the fact in the daily/weekly press or whatever?

> 2. .... Needs a change of attitude from the manufacturers.

Manufactures won't change unless they see that there really is a market out 
there. I notice that including drivers for Mac seems to be on the increase.

> 3. Canonical, Sun, HP, RedHat and others do push their names during
> exhibitions and conference and stuff.

Preaching mostly to the converted :) 

> More hardware manufacturers need to publish their source code, not just
> make proprietary binaries for the Linux kernel. That way, we all get
> stable, free, code for all devices instead of a proprietary mess where
> the same device name has a different chipset in February to March and
> the same chipset appears under a random assortment of names.

A hurdle to overcome by increased usage of OSS.

> Most of the work needs to be within the scope of the hardware
> manufacturers and the hardware packagers - *not* the retailers or the
> ad agencies.

To hell with "ad Agencies".  Retailers will push what they can sell.  
Advertising, making the public aware, in what ever manner is practical and 
effective, will create a (hopefully growing) demand.  Even your local shop 
can afford to advertise.


W. Devon
A GNU/Linux user

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