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[LUG] quick rant about graphing


Mostly from Perl as it happens, but ...

Why are graphing packages that plot mulitple lines obsessed with all
the Y data sets having a common X data set.

I need to plot chronological age against reading age, which is easy
enough, I have data like:

6y 3m (6.25) , 6y 6m, (6.5)
7y 6m (7.5) , 8y 0m, (8)

all nicely paired, but not necessarily whole numbers. Nice easy line plot.

I also want an equivalency line (y=x), but I don't want to plot
(6.25,6.25) and (7.5,7.5) I want to plot (6,6),(7,7),(8,8). But no, I
have only one X data set!

It seems that most graphers want the data to be of the form:


How annoying is that!


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