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Re: [LUG] Forums


Rob Beard wrote:
> roobarb@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Posted by "Tim Blackley" <roobarb@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Hi all!
>> First up, let me introduce myself. My name is Tim and I'm an engineer for 
>> Penzance Computers. 
>> Following a little chat my girlfriend had with James, we both now are Ubuntu 
>> users! My girlfriend more so, as she totally cleared her machine of Windows and 
>> jumped into the world of Linux, myself however decided to dual-boot all of my 
>> computers (2xdesktops, 1xlaptop) with XP and Ubuntu, so I can play my extensive 
>> collection of games and provide support for XP.
>> Anyhoo, I've noticed my normally empty inbox filling itself with hundreds of 
>> DCGLUG emails from the mailing list. It currently stands at 241 unread emails, 
>> all from DCGLUG!!!
>> So, in my few spare bored hours last weekend, I created a Forum for all DCGLUG 
>> members to chat, discuss, report and support, which, in my humble opinion should 
>> free up the mailing list for more specific emails, such as meeting agendas or 
>> DCGLUG related news, and be much easier to organise technical support solutions, 
>> reviews etc.
>> Feel free to visit the forums, and register, if you like!
>> Here's the link:
>> http://black.tekmagik.net/phpBB2/index.php
>> Please note the forum is in very early construction stages, which means 
>> categories and topics are likely to change, but I welcome any suggestions to help 
>> make it more expansive/useful/popular. You can feed me back in the "Site 
>> Feedback" thread in the "Tekmagik" category.
>> So, there we go! I hope you find it useful, and if you require more info, please 
>> contact me at roobarb@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Cheers
>> Tim
>> --
> Looks good, I suppose it's handy for some users who aren't used to 
> mailing lists, as long as a few of us remember to visit the forums to 
> give help.
> I wonder if there is any way of taking a feed from the mailing list and 
> put it in the forums?  (this would be handy for those of us who's 
> employers block web mail access).
> Rob

Would a digest version of the mailing list not reduce the number of 
emails in ones inbox?


The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html