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[LUG] Hardware database


I know I had it set up as a bookmark, but it has disappeared.

There is somewhere a website which lists all the various hardware etc
which can be used in Linux. It is some sort of database, you can choose
the category (eg printers) and then the maker (eg Epson) and see a list
of all Epson printers with info about how well they work in Linux (if
at all). 

Can anyone help me here please? I have searched diligently but to no
avail. If I remember correctly it was a semi-official database. It was
very useful, I know that, so of course it is the bookmark that I have


Neil Winchurst

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html