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Re: [LUG] Hosworthy Memorial Hall


On Tuesday 15 May 2007 09:16, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> So I thought, here is a golden opportunity to spread the word. Is
> anyone else in the area interested or could help, advise? I have used
> Linux myself for about 6 years now, but no way does that make me an
> expert.

I'm not in the area, but I think there are at least a handful of LUG members 
in and around North Devon.

How about starting by hosting a meeting there? I'd suggest you invite the guy 
along, show him a live-CD running, answer any questions he has then the group 
can talk through possible options with him - maybe even install Linux on one 
of the machines at the same time.

Really if he's a Windows trainer, there's not going to be a lot he needs to 
learn; the desktop fundamentals are the same and he's not going to need any 
command-line or sysadmin knowledge to teach the basics to newbies. Just 
things like configuring the system (with the distro's graphical tools), 
installing packages, etc.

If you could make it a regular meeting venue, that'd be great for LUG members 
in the area and for Geoff, who'd have a regular opportunity to learn more and 
ask any questions he has.


David Johnson

The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG
FAQ: http://www.dcglug.org.uk/linux_adm/list-faq.html