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Re: [LUG] PHP Error, Help!?


Jonathan Roberts wrote:
> Goto the shop and just add something to the cart and you'll see it in
> the sidebar. The weird thing is everything works fine, it just looks
> *ugly*, even if I could just hide the error that would be cool :D

PHP should be deployed with settings;

display_errors = Off
log_errors = On

I'm guessing you see the errors because display_errors in "On", which is
a good way of leaking important data to random surfers, and in some
cases Google.

In Debian these days these setting go in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, best
always to test they have taken effect, as the number of php.ini files
seems to grow quickly with time.

Not having these settings implies that the PHP configuration is not
based of the "php.ini-recommended" file shipped with PHP, which mean it
may also be missing other security settings.

 Simon, who recently had to compare php.ini-recommended with one of
works servers, note all differences, and pull out the ones that actually
matter for security, from those that aren't so crucial, since it has
similar issues.

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